The last few years have brought many of us enormous changes in how we show up to work, lead, ‘commute’, collaborate, and engage with our teams. Some offices will never reopen, and many team members hired in the last two years haven’t met their colleagues in person - and may never do so! We’ve set up elaborate home offices that can resemble mini TV studios with lights and green screens, become all too accustomed to Zoom tools, and had to navigate the demands of home life and homeschooling, all while doing our jobs. It’s tested our resilience, adaptability, resourcefulness, creativity, and patience and has been stressful for many and yielded new opportunities for others.
This practical, experiential, discussion-based workshop will explore how our methods of leadership and communication have had to shift - in how we lead, motivate and empower ourselves and our remote teams in these more distanced, isolated times. What are the implications for our self-care and boundary setting, time and task management, and needs for belonging and professional social connections? What aspects of in-person leadership have you been able to replicate remotely, and how have your approaches, intention, and methods evolved?
Join us for this thought-provoking, stimulating, and tool-sharing workshop! April 19th, 5:30-7:30 pm The Sanctuary Tahoe.