Category: Support
November 16, 2021
Using The Map – Waypoints
As a leader, you have the power to build up or to break down the people around you. People need and desire a few key ingredients to survive and thrive. The way you give or take away these ingredients determines whether you bring out the best or the worst in the people around you. So […]
Read MoreNovember 16, 2021
You Are Lying – Why You Misbehave and Stall in Life
Whether you consider yourself a saint of honesty or you don’t mind bending the truth, we are all in the same boat: We lie to ourselves. In fact, we lie with an alarming frequency and with great efficacy. Research done on patients with damage to their occipital lobe shows just how good we are at […]
Read MoreOctober 26, 2021
The Spotlight Effect – Why You Think You Know More than You Do.
The Spotlight Effect shows us one of the greatest limitations of our own psychology. Imagine being in an office building with the power out. It’s pitch black – so dark you can’t see your hand in front of your face. You fumble around and find a flashlight that you turn on and start looking around. […]
Read MoreThe human mind was created in a time and place that looks nothing like the modern world. While we’d like to think of ourselves and our employees and machines capable of taking input and outputting work, this is an outdated and ineffective mental model. The human mind is complex and unlocking peak human performance requires […]
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