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Day 14: Energizing Communication: Empowerment and Inspiration

February 19, 2025

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.”

– Albert Schweitzer

We have been discussing the power and importance of communication and today we’ll go deeper. Through constructive communication and clearly communicating your vision, we can inspire action among your team and family.

Tips for Constructive Communication

  • Offering positive and growth oriented encouragement
  • Listen to their story. We tend to gravitate to wanting to share our similar experience. Just listen. It’s not your story to share.
  • Honesty and vulnerability.
  • Honoring your own dignity and the dignity of othersListen with curiosity and compassionTactful truthfulness

Today’s Exercise:

  • Identify 1 task on your to-do list that requires someone else’s support and contribution.
  • If possible, identify the person who you need to engage so they can support you and feel confident asking for support.
  • Identify the following: How can I give to this person in a way that achieves the task AND breathes life into their goals, hopes and dreams?

We Want to Hear From You

We ask that Mindful Leadership 30 participants take 5 minutes to fill out our brief survey, so that we know how we’re doing, what we could be doing better. We would love your open and honest feedback.