November 03, 2020
We Become What We Believe
“Do not speak bad of yourself, for the warrior within you hears your words and is lessened by them.” Japanese Proverb Recently, I was asked by my daughter’s Head of School to step back into a teaching role in a middle school classroom for a short stint as a substitute. A teacher left due to […]
Read MoreNovember 03, 2020
Facing the Storm
As the day progresses, the flurry of life’s events and challenges often has me feeling like I am driving in a blizzard: crawling forward, barely able to see except for the lights in front of me. It seems like they are light-years away, and really they are just feet away. As I drive, the swirling […]
Read MoreOctober 23, 2020
We Are Move Mountains
Move Mountains is dedicated to developing leaders using our Mindful Leadership Map and an experiential approach. We understand what it takes to support leaders and teams through transformations to excellence. Grow into a happier and healthier you, and contribute to a stronger, more successful organization.
Read MoreOctober 23, 2020
Learning from Quarantine
Recently, someone with the symptoms of Covid-19 failed to disclose their symptoms prior to participating in a socially distanced yoga class. As a member of that class and learning of the symptoms afterward, I was put in a challenging position. I was supposed to interact with hundreds of people in the coming week (while wearing […]
Read MoreOctober 13, 2020
Tips from the Sun
The rising sun pierces my eyelids and forces my dreams to flee. I haven’t seen a rising sun on the horizon in as long as I can remember, especially not from the comfort of my bed. Back home, countless forest fires have left the sun obscured for nearly a month at this point. The decision […]
Read MoreOctober 13, 2020
Planning a Trip with your Spouse
In the era of COVID, road trips are all the rage. Some people thrive on the road, others are working on it. As my wife and I sat to “plan out” our next trip, I was struck by a recent increase in her awareness. She noticed that she felt better and preferred going with the […]
Read MoreSeptember 29, 2020
The Power of the Present
Nature has so much to offer us. As I step off the ledge, suspended by nothing more than a rope, I can feel my heart beating heavily. The 100-foot drop below me seems to temporarily reverse the effects of gravity as I nearly leap back onto the ledge like Wiley Coyote. A voice inside calls […]
Read MoreSeptember 29, 2020
Finding the Calm in the Chaos
You know that person in your life who always seems to have the most bizarre things happen to them? It’s as if dramatic experiences were tossed out in doses, and they always seemed to get more than their share – pet drama, kid drama, spouse drama, work drama… even random encounters seem to turn into […]
Read MoreMake The List. Work the List. Mindful Leadership Navigation Tips for Your Days at Home Are you still working from home? Maybe not working at the moment? Trying to remotely connect? Kids home all day? We are all still adjusting in different ways to the current difficult situation and life disruptions. Our tolerance, flexibility and resilience is being […]
Read MoreMay 28, 2020
An Invitation to Meditate
In this time of social distancing, it is more important than ever to connect with one another. In an effort to help fill the connection gap that so many are experiencing, I would like to offer a guided virtual meditation as a replacement for the community mediation we were offering in our Incline office location. […]
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